Rat learned how to use real cameras and develop film when he went to junior high school in the 80's. His teacher (Paul Hartwell) taught him enough about shooting to make it fun. There wasn't much Mr. Hartwell could do though to make it cheaper.
Fifteen years or so later digital photography came along and Rat borrowed a Sony Mavica from his local public access station. The camera recorded on floppies, some of which Rat thinks he still has lieing around somewhere.
Anyway, he still doesn't have a real camera but really appreciates it when phone makers add things like panoramic mode and when third parties make things like fisheye lenses that just clothespin over your phone. He's had a lot of fun with cheap things like that.
Fifteen years or so later digital photography came along and Rat borrowed a Sony Mavica from his local public access station. The camera recorded on floppies, some of which Rat thinks he still has lieing around somewhere.
Anyway, he still doesn't have a real camera but really appreciates it when phone makers add things like panoramic mode and when third parties make things like fisheye lenses that just clothespin over your phone. He's had a lot of fun with cheap things like that.